Welcome to the Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Friday, December 30, 2011

My prediction for the New Year

2011 saw a few more sales than 2010. With list prices lowering and signs of the economy starting to pick up again, I think that 2012 is going to be an active year with sales at the resort. That inventory of properties available for sale is going to decrease, in my opinion. Asking prices are getting more "reasonable" for buyers. When they shop around and compare, I think that they will see that Lake McGregor Country Estates is quite competitive. Buyers have had lots of time to shop and compare, but now I think it's time that they will make a move. Once again, just my opinion, but I see a stronger economy helping the recreational property market. We may end up seeing buyers wishing that they had bought while properties were "cheap", just like they said about lots pre-2006.

I challenge buyers to try and find a another fully serviced cottage lot at a resort with clubhouse, private beach and marina, with lots price in the $55,000 area. I think that people will see that it's affordable to buy recreational property again.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Hours

Clubhouse hours for the upcoming holiday season are as follows:

December 24, 2011 (Christmas eve) Open 9:00am to 3:00pm
December 25, 2011 (Christmas day) Closed
December 26, 2011 (Boxing day) Open 9:00am to 7:00pm

December 31, 2011 (New years eve) Open 9:00am to 3:00pm
January 1, 2012 (New years day) Closed

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wind Damage

The winds that we had yesterday did some damage at the resort. There are garden sheds that have collapsed, shingles that are missing, and I saw one park model home that moved off its pilings! Obviously, it was not properly achored.

If you have property at the resort, I suggest that you take a drive and check on it.

We all know that it can get windy. This is Southern Alberta after all. However, this wind was extraordinary. The winds near Clareshom measured hurricane force! 144 km! Lethbridge and other parts of the south had large grass fires. Evacuation notices were in effect. Downtown Calgary was shut down to vehicle and pedestrian traffic due to flying objects, including glass from high rise buildings. Well, we wanted a chinook wind to warm things up. We got it.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


It is that time of the year...time to get ready for winter. RV owners should have their units winterized by now. Some of the "snow birds" are getting ready to head south for the winter. Just a couple of notes as we prepare for the winter:

- talk to the manager to get your water shut off if you plan on not using your unit this winter. Remember, if you do decide to come out later on (like a warm chinook comes for a visit), the clubhouse is open year round. Thus, the washrooms, showers and such are there for your convenience.

- make sure that your yard is cleaned up. You may even want to put some protection around your small trees and bushes, as the deer call the resort home year round.

- check at the clubhouse to make sure that you are on the mailing list so that you will be kept up-to-date on the latest happenings at the resort.

- if you are sticking around this winter, make sure you pack your swim suit, as the indoor pool is open year round.

- have you winterized your boat, or any other vehicles you may have in the storage area?

- if you do not plan on being here for a while, let a neighbor know, or even management so that they can keep an eye on your place, checking for heat, or weather damage...

Have a nice winter season, stay warm, and let your friends know that you own recreational property at Lake MaGregor Country Estates!

Friday, September 30, 2011

The leaves are falling...

It's getting to be THAT time of year! People are out winterizing their trailers. The weather sure has been nice, but winter will be coming sooner or later. Hopefully later.

The real estate market for recreational properties has not been great. I would say that it has been better this past year over the previous year, but it could be much better. There are still plenty of properties listed for sale at the resort, perhaps much more than there should be. Not a good thing.

Yet, Lake McGregor Country Estates is not the only place where there are too many listings. Shop around. Show me a recreational property resort in the area and I will show you a place where there are too many for sale signs. The local residential market has a surplus of listings as well. The reason? People are not so easily ready to part with their money these days. Afraid of the recession perhaps? A double dip, like they are talking about on the news? I do not have the answers, as my crystal ball is in the shop.

What I do know is that there are still people looking for a deal. This nice fall weather that we have had sure helps. The word that I am getting from people looking around, sending me emails, talking to on the phone, is that they are looking to find a place so that they will be ready for spring. Taking advantage of low interest rates, and a large catalogue of properties to choose from. Makes sense to me. As a buyer, you can afford to shop around, be picky, and take the time to find yourself a good deal. As a seller, if you want to move your property, you better be ready to make your property stand out from the others and attract those buyers. Talk to people. Talk to your real estate agent. Don't have a real estate agent? Find one. It's our job to help you, inform you, keep you up-to-date of what's going on in the real estate market. If not, find a different agent. Prices, interest rates, and selection change so it pays to seek the advice of a professional.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do you like Chocolate?

The Kronos Chocolate Factory, featuring Chocolatier Michael Roloff is in the Vulcan Bakery August 25, 26, and 27th from 9 AM to 5 PM. Come and see what the "Poet of Chocolate" can do!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hot enough for ya?

It has been a nice summer so far this year. I know that can depend on who you talk to. It WAS raining quite a bit this spring, and then it's been hot, and now the mornings are getting cooler...but still close to plus 30 degrees this weekend. Not bad for late August in Southern Alberta.

We had a slow start to the recreational season for sales this year. The warmer weather sure brought people out though. We have made some sales and have some proud new owners here at Lake McGregor Country Estates. New management has been doing a great job! The grounds are looking good. The kids are even pumped up about the hockey nets that have been set up by the basketball court so they can have some street hockey without having to yell "CAR!".

There are still too many properties for sale out here. Well, too many recreational properties for sale in Southern Alberta period. We have quite a few on the market here, Little Bow Resort has over 30 properties for sale, and the list goes on. Not to say that there are no buyers out there though, because there are. The buyers are like vultures now...circling their prey, looking for the best deal, and then, when they are ready to pounce, they come in with a low offer and see what their prey's next move it. Lately, the prey have been giving in, just to get their property sold. It sure is different from about 3 or 4 years ago when properties were just flying! Then again, it is better than just one year ago.

Is now the time to sell? If you are ready to take your loss right away and price it competitively, then yes. If you are wanting to get that top dollar because someone got it back in 2007, well, you may be waiting for a while, so just come out and enjoy the resort. You won't be going anywhere soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Marina is in!

The marina has been installed and is ready for the season! See you May long weekend!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Unsecured Loads

Recent complains involving loose or unsecured loads have become a concern. It is important to remember when transporting materials they must be secured in a way to prevent moving or shifting in all directions. Fines for unsecured loads range from $345 to $575 depending on licence class. The local RCMP Division is asking for your cooperation with this issue. For more information please contact the Patrol Division at 403-485-2241.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Letter - Clubhouse Hours

Clubhouse Hours
The clubhouse will be open 1 hour later on summer weekends. Clubhouse hours are as follows:

May 20 to September 1 9am to 9pm Sun-Thurs
9am to 10pm Fri-Sat and Holidays
September 2 to May 19 9am to 7pm Sun-Thurs
9am to 9pm Fri-Sat and Holidays

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Assistant to Developer Coming for a Visit

The snow is melting and we can see grass again! The deer look to be out enoying the weather too!

Nicki from Lake McGregor Resort Corp. will be out for a visit this week. She will be available at the clubhouse for any questions or concerns you may have at this time as part of the committment she made to us at the fall meeting.

She will be available to speak in person with you as follows:

Saturday March 19th from 11 AM to 1 PM

If you have any questions or concerns, this would be a great time to address them directly to her.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lot services

Each cottage lot has water, sewer, natural gas, electrical and telephone services running to the property line.

Each RV lot has water, sewer, electrical and telephone services. Many of the existing RV lot owners use propane to heat their units. The services are "deep serviced", which means that the services are below the frost line, which makes it possible for the RV units to be used year round. Of course, the owners would have to heat tape the lines and put skirting around the unit.

Many RV owners winterize their units and, if the weather is mild during the winter months, still come out and use their RVs. With the clubhouse open year round, they can use the washrooms and showers there and not have to de-winterize their units and start over again, each time they come out. Good idea for those who enjoy ice fishing and other winter activities.

Community Association Fees

There is a $150 per month community association fee for each lot. This fee covers water, sewer, and garbage services, as well as use of the clubhouse, marina and boat storage areas.

Electrical, heating, and telephone services are individually billed.

Working out in Vulcan!

One-year gym membership in Vulcan for only $165.00! This includes up-to-date cardio equipment, weight machines, free weights, and the squash/raquetball court. I was paying close to that amount for a quarterly membership back in Brooks. Plus, here I can go anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So much for excuses now...gotta just go out and do it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Safe and Warm Winter

The following is thanks to Pillar to Post:

Every winter homeowners turn to supplemental heat sources such as gas fireplaces, generators, space heaters, wood stoves and kerosene heaters to reduce home utility costs and stay warm.

When using a supplemental heat source to save energy and money this winter, keep safety top of mind to prevent fire and Carbon Monoxide dangers - two of the most common winter safety hazards. Below is some safe heating advice.

Keep space heaters at least three feet from people, pets or anything that can burn, especially furniture and curtains.
Look for products that have built-in safety features like automatic shutoffs, anti-tipping devices and heat guards.
To avoid serious home injuries and help you rest easy throughout the winter. Be sure to follow all manufacturers’ instructions for use and placement of heating devices.
Place at least one Carbon Monoxide alarm in your home near sleeping areas. This will detect and alert your family when dangerous levels of the deadly and odorless - gas are present.
Have your home’s central heating system inspected, cleaned and tuned by a trained professional who knows how to repair leaks and other problems.
Never burn trash or cardboard boxes in your fireplace or wood stove; they burn unevenly and may contain poisons or cause a fire.
Get your chimney inspected and cleaned every year by a professional chimney sweep.
Supplemental heat sources are a great way to stay warm without heating the entire house.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tinman Triathlon

The Vulcan Tinman Triathlon is on June 4, 2011.  Get training!

Winter/Spring Course Calendar 2011

The Winter/Spring Course Calendar 2011 is out thanks to the Vulcan County Adult Learning Council.  Register for course online at www.vulcanadultlearning.ca.  Brush up on your computer skills, learn how to take better pictures with your digital camera, ideas on gardening, fitness and exercise.  Check it out...it's the logical thing to do!  It's local!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Vulcan County On Track To Reduce Taxes Again Next Year

This clip is from the Vulcan Advocate January 1, 2011 online edition:

Vulcan County on track to reduce taxes again next year

Local News

By Stephen Tipper/Editor

Posted 8 days ago

Administration is pleased with council's direction in preparing for yet another reduction in property taxes next year, says the County's administrator.

"While both council and administration can be confident that the ratepayers will not object to a reduction in taxes, I compliment council on the creative manner in which you addressed the service delivery issues," wrote Larry Baran in a report to council.

Instead of reducing services to bring about a tax reduction, council asked administration to find innovative ways to maintain or improve upon services while reducing taxes, Baran wrote.

"While we must still wait for the final assessment and requisition information to come in the beginning of next year, administration is confident that council will reach your goal of reducing property taxes again in 2011."