Welcome to the Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Saturday, October 22, 2011


It is that time of the year...time to get ready for winter. RV owners should have their units winterized by now. Some of the "snow birds" are getting ready to head south for the winter. Just a couple of notes as we prepare for the winter:

- talk to the manager to get your water shut off if you plan on not using your unit this winter. Remember, if you do decide to come out later on (like a warm chinook comes for a visit), the clubhouse is open year round. Thus, the washrooms, showers and such are there for your convenience.

- make sure that your yard is cleaned up. You may even want to put some protection around your small trees and bushes, as the deer call the resort home year round.

- check at the clubhouse to make sure that you are on the mailing list so that you will be kept up-to-date on the latest happenings at the resort.

- if you are sticking around this winter, make sure you pack your swim suit, as the indoor pool is open year round.

- have you winterized your boat, or any other vehicles you may have in the storage area?

- if you do not plan on being here for a while, let a neighbor know, or even management so that they can keep an eye on your place, checking for heat, or weather damage...

Have a nice winter season, stay warm, and let your friends know that you own recreational property at Lake MaGregor Country Estates!

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