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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Vulcan County On Track To Reduce Taxes Again Next Year

This clip is from the Vulcan Advocate January 1, 2011 online edition:

Vulcan County on track to reduce taxes again next year

Local News

By Stephen Tipper/Editor

Posted 8 days ago

Administration is pleased with council's direction in preparing for yet another reduction in property taxes next year, says the County's administrator.

"While both council and administration can be confident that the ratepayers will not object to a reduction in taxes, I compliment council on the creative manner in which you addressed the service delivery issues," wrote Larry Baran in a report to council.

Instead of reducing services to bring about a tax reduction, council asked administration to find innovative ways to maintain or improve upon services while reducing taxes, Baran wrote.

"While we must still wait for the final assessment and requisition information to come in the beginning of next year, administration is confident that council will reach your goal of reducing property taxes again in 2011."

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