Welcome to the Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Choosing a real estate agent to work for you

So you are looking to sell your home, your property, your real estate investment. You have chosen to use a real estate agent (a good choice if I do say so myself!). How do you chose an agent? Shop around! My first suggestion is to see who works in the area. Look online. Talk to the local people. As much as some of us real estate people like to think that we can be experts in all areas of real estate in all areas of the country, we cannot. A local real estate agent knows what is going on locally. They know what prices properties are selling for. They know how long properties are taking to sell. They know the local economic climate - what new developments are coming; what is happening with the local job market; what the tax climate is like. My point is, just because someone is a top notch real estate agent in one area, does not mean that they are an expert in another. For example, I do not know much about the local real estate market in Lethbridge or Calgary. If someone has a property that they want to sell there, (or buy) and they ask me to help them, the best thing that I feel that I can do is to refer them to a real estate agent who knows that area. I am also aware of areas where an agent has listed a property that is out of their region, put up a sign, and the agent is never seen again. How is that beneficial? Not very.

Check for For Sale signs. What is the condition of the sign itself? Does it look like someone takes care in their work, or is the sign falling down?

Check on the internet. Google an area and real estate agent. One warning - there are some bogus real estate sites, the same as in other industries. Make sure you check around and make a few phone calls to make sure that the agent is who he/she says they are. Ask how much activity they have had in the area that you are looking at.

Interview a few agents. If you "click" with one another, great! If not, move on. Remember that the agent works for you. Make sure that you have an employee that you are comfortable with.

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