Welcome to the Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall 2008

The leaves are changing colours and the days are getting shorter. Must be autumn.

It has been a slow year for sales. The real estate market on a whole has been slower throughout the country, North America, and even Europe. Lots of negative feelings, negative words in news, makes one a little worried.

Well here is something to think about. First of all, everything goes in cycles so we really should not be surprised that the market has slowed down. It had to. Buyers were being priced out of the market. It was not that long ago that Lake McGregor Country Estates was one of the cheapest places to buy recreational property. People that could not afford recreational property in the larger, more established markets bought here. They bought when the lots were under priced. Now the resort is priced closer to the competition - supply and demand has increased the prices. As a result, the market for buyers got a little smaller. The sales at Lake McGregor Country Estates are still comparable, if not better in 2008 than other resorts in Alberta.

Next, we have federal elections, both here in Canada and in the US. New governments (or re-elected governments) come into power in the new year. With new governments comes optimism. With optimism, people have a more positive outlook on things and should help our economy grow. Just a theory but I think it makes sense. I am looking forward to sales picking up in the spring of '09!

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