Welcome to the Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Friday, September 30, 2011

The leaves are falling...

It's getting to be THAT time of year! People are out winterizing their trailers. The weather sure has been nice, but winter will be coming sooner or later. Hopefully later.

The real estate market for recreational properties has not been great. I would say that it has been better this past year over the previous year, but it could be much better. There are still plenty of properties listed for sale at the resort, perhaps much more than there should be. Not a good thing.

Yet, Lake McGregor Country Estates is not the only place where there are too many listings. Shop around. Show me a recreational property resort in the area and I will show you a place where there are too many for sale signs. The local residential market has a surplus of listings as well. The reason? People are not so easily ready to part with their money these days. Afraid of the recession perhaps? A double dip, like they are talking about on the news? I do not have the answers, as my crystal ball is in the shop.

What I do know is that there are still people looking for a deal. This nice fall weather that we have had sure helps. The word that I am getting from people looking around, sending me emails, talking to on the phone, is that they are looking to find a place so that they will be ready for spring. Taking advantage of low interest rates, and a large catalogue of properties to choose from. Makes sense to me. As a buyer, you can afford to shop around, be picky, and take the time to find yourself a good deal. As a seller, if you want to move your property, you better be ready to make your property stand out from the others and attract those buyers. Talk to people. Talk to your real estate agent. Don't have a real estate agent? Find one. It's our job to help you, inform you, keep you up-to-date of what's going on in the real estate market. If not, find a different agent. Prices, interest rates, and selection change so it pays to seek the advice of a professional.